Efficient Multiple Project Management with Kanban: An Expert Guide

Juggling multiple projects? Kanban could be your project management savior. This expert guide explores how visual workflow management streamlines cross-initiative chaos.

Keeping multiple plates spinning without dropping one is every juggler’s nightmare. For project managers, the “plates” are priorities, deadlines, and stakeholder needs across a growing slate of initiatives under their direction. Studies confirm project leaders are no strangers to this act—85% oversee multiple ongoing efforts (1).

With so much on their plates, project leaders need reliable systems to organize their efforts. An effective management tool is critical when overseeing a variety of initiatives. One solution that has become incredibly popular is Kanban, a visual workflow management method. 

Contrary to popular belief, Kanban is not just for small teams. According to a Business Process Management survey, companies with 10,000+ employees constitute the largest group using Kanban practices. Major corporations like Pixar, Spotify, Zara, and Toyota swear by Kanban to optimize their systems. If you’re yet to explore Kanban’s transformative potential, this guide could be the gateway to understanding its extensive benefits for managing multiple projects.

Here, we’ll explore the typical difficulties of handling multiple initiatives, such as task organization and prioritization. We’ll also explain how to select the most suitable project management tool that aligns with your organizational needs and discuss why Kanban could be an ideal or suboptimal choice depending on your project specifics. Additionally, we will share expert tips and tricks for leveraging Kanban across various projects.

Why trust us? At VirtoSoftware, we have empowered thousands of teams in their project management endeavors over the last 15 years, crafting tools like the Virto Kanban Board and Virto Calendar App, specifically designed for collaborative efforts in the Microsoft ecosystem. With our guidance, you’re in capable hands for mastering project management, particularly within complex, multi-project environments.

Typical Problems of Organizing Management of Multiple Projects

Managing multiple projects simultaneously is a complex task that presents several challenges for both project managers and the teams executing the projects. Here, we’ll explore some of the typical problems faced in this scenario, and highlight the challenges in finding appropriate management tools and techniques.

Challenges for managers and project executors

  1. Resource allocation conflicts: One of the most common issues in managing multiple projects is the allocation of resources, including personnel, equipment, and time. Managers often struggle to allocate these resources efficiently without overburdening team members or running into scheduling conflicts.
  2. Prioritization and focus: With multiple projects running concurrently, it can be challenging for both managers and executors to prioritize tasks effectively. This often leads to a dilution of focus, which can affect the quality and timely delivery of projects.
  3. Communication overload: Effective communication becomes increasingly difficult with the number of projects. Managers find themselves juggling communications across various teams and stakeholders, which can lead to miscommunications and information overload.
  4. Tracking progress: Keeping track of progress across multiple projects can be daunting. Managers need to ensure that all projects are advancing according to plan, and any delays or issues in one project can cascade and impact the others.
  5. Finding the right tools: The ideal tools should provide a comprehensive view of all projects, facilitate easy communication, and support efficient resource management. However, the diversity in project requirements often means that no single tool perfectly fits all needs, leading managers to either adapt existing tools or use multiple tools concurrently, which can complicate the management process further.

👉 For more tips and best practices on managing multiple projects, refer to our previous guide on the topic: How to Manage Multiple Projects: Expert Advice & Software Tools

What Is the Best Tool for Managing Multiple Projects

As mentioned, managing multiple projects simultaneously is a challenging task that necessitates a robust management tool. The right tool can streamline workflows, enhance communication, and ensure that all projects are completed on time and within budget. Here, we’ll discuss how to choose the best tool for managing multiple projects, explore key features that such tools should possess, explain the concept of a Kanban board, and review several project management tools.

Choosing the right tool for managing multiple projects

The selection of a project management tool should be based on the specific needs of your projects and teams. Consider the following steps to determine the best tool:

  1. Assess your needs: Understand the complexity and specific requirements of your projects. Consider factors like team size, project duration, industry, and the need for collaboration across different locations.
  2. Evaluate features: Look for tools that offer features essential for managing multiple projects such as resource allocation, task management, progress tracking, and effective communication channels.
  3. Scalability: Choose a tool that can scale as your projects grow in number and complexity.
  4. Integration capabilities: The tool should integrate seamlessly with other tools your team uses, such as email, calendar, file-sharing, and more.
  5. User experience: Opt for a tool with an intuitive interface that can be easily adopted by your team members.

Key features of multi-project management tools

When managing multiple projects simultaneously, the complexity and demands can quickly overwhelm traditional management methods. A robust multi-project management tool, therefore, must include specific features that cater to the unique challenges posed by handling multiple initiatives. These features not only streamline project management tasks but also enhance team productivity and ensure better project outcomes. Here’s a detailed look at some of the key features that are essential in multi-project management tools:

  • Centralized dashboard is crucial for providing a unified view of all projects. It should display key metrics, status updates, and deadlines for each project at a glance. This helps managers quickly assess the overall health of each project and make informed decisions without the need to dig into the details of each project individually..
  • Effective resource management capabilities are essential to ensure that human and material resources are allocated optimally across all projects. This feature should allow managers to see which resources are being utilized where, and identify any over-allocations or conflicts between projects.
  • Multi-project management tools must facilitate sophisticated task scheduling options. This includes setting dependencies between tasks across different projects, which can help in planning and executing complex project timelines where tasks are interdependent.
  • Given that multiple projects often involve various stakeholders, real-time collaboration features are essential. Tools should provide capabilities such as instant messaging, file sharing, and real-time document editing to facilitate seamless communication among team members.
  • Advanced reporting and analytics are crucial for tracking the progress of multiple projects. This feature should allow managers to generate custom reports on project performance, resource utilization, and budget expenditure. Analytics can provide insights into trends and patterns that affect project performance.
  • Gantt charts and other timeline views are indispensable for visualizing project schedules and understanding how different projects overlap and interact. These tools should allow users to adjust timelines and scenarios dynamically, facilitating easier long-term planning and re-scheduling.
  • The tool must be scalable to handle an increasing number of projects without a loss in performance. As organizations grow, the ability to manage more complex, larger projects efficiently becomes more critical.
  • The ability to integrate with other tools (such as email clients, calendar apps, CRM software, and ERP systems) is crucial. This ensures that the project management tool can fit seamlessly into the existing digital infrastructure of a company.

Understanding Kanban boards

As discussed, Kanban boards offer valuable visualization for coordinating multiple projects. However, before exploring Kanban boards more deeply for multi-project contexts, let’s step back to briefly overview their fundamental structure and core benefits in general.

Kanban boards are a pivotal tool in agile project management, designed to enhance efficiency and visibility across various types of projects. Originally developed in the manufacturing sector as part of the Toyota Production System, Kanban has evolved into a popular method for managing tasks in a wide range of industries, from software development to marketing and beyond.

kanban board example

Structure of a Kanban board

A Kanban board is visually structured into columns and cards. Each column represents a different stage of the workflow process, and each card represents a task or a piece of work. The basic structure typically includes at least three columns:

  • To Do: Tasks that need to be completed. This column holds all the work items that have been identified but not yet started.
  • In Progress: Tasks that are currently being worked on. This column helps team members focus on current work without being overwhelmed by other pending tasks.
  • Done: Tasks that have been completed. Moving tasks to this column signifies completion, providing a clear indicator of progress.

Teams may customize their boards with additional columns to reflect specific stages relevant to their unique workflows, such as “Testing”, “Review”, or “Waiting for Feedback”.

Benefits of using a Kanban board

benefits of using kanban board for multiple projects

Kanban boards offer several advantages for managing multiple projects:

  • Enhanced visibility: All team members can see the status of all tasks across all projects at any time. This transparency helps in aligning team efforts and avoiding the duplication of work.
  • Increased flexibility: Kanban boards easily adapt to changes. If a task’s priority changes, it can be moved across the board quickly, or if new tasks pop up, they can be added without disrupting the flow.
  • Improved productivity: By limiting the number of tasks in the “In Progress” column, teams can focus on completing current tasks before taking on new ones. This practice, known as “Work In Progress (WIP) limits”, helps in maintaining a steady flow of work and reduces bottlenecks.
  • Continuous delivery: Kanban encourages continuous delivery of work. As soon as a task is completed, it moves to the “Done” column, and a new task can be started. This steady flow ensures that projects progress incrementally and consistently.
  • Focus on lead time: Kanban helps teams monitor how long a task takes from start to finish (lead time). This focus can drive process improvements and help teams become more efficient over time.

Kanban in multi-project management tools

Many modern project management tools integrate Kanban boards due to their popularity and effectiveness. In a multi-project environment, Kanban boards can be particularly useful. They can be set up for individual projects or configured to show tasks from multiple projects on a single board, aiding in cross-project visibility and coordination.

Tools like Trello, Jira, and Monday.com offer robust Kanban board features that include not only basic task management but also advanced functionalities like automation rules, custom fields, and integrations with other tools, enhancing the overall project management process.

👉 For a review of the most popular project management tools, please refer to our dedicated piece on the topic: How to Manage Multiple Projects: Expert Advice & Software Tools & Online Kanban Boards 2024: Comprehensive Guide, Examples, and Top Apps

It’s important to note that each of the project management tools comes with particular strengths aligned to different contexts. No one solution universally suits all project types, teams, or organizational needs. Rather, the appropriateness of a given application hinges wholly on your unique requirements and preferred workflows. Carefully weigh how the varying features or limitations of platforms like Asana, Trello, or Wrike map to your situation. The tool that best empowers your team and fosters efficient processes for your aims deserves your choice.

👉 Can a Kanban board have multiple projects? Yes, a Kanban board can handle multiple projects simultaneously. This is often achieved by organizing tasks into different sections, using swimlanes, or tagging each task with project-specific identifiers to maintain organization and oversight—something which we’ll discuss in greater depth later in this article.

Kanban Multiple Projects: Kanban Board as a Tool for Managing Multiple Projects

As mentioned above, the Kanban methodology is a highly visual system for managing work as it moves through a process. Utilizing a Kanban board, tasks are visually represented on cards, allowing teams to see the status of every piece of work at any time. This method emphasizes continuous delivery while not overburdening the team, making it a favorite in various industries, from software development to marketing and beyond.

5 most popular Kanban multiple projects apps

Implementing Kanban via online tools unlocks key benefits like enhanced flexibility, seamless collaboration, and instant updates available on-demand to maintain work momentum. In today’s predominantly remote, ever-changing business landscape, a dynamic digital Kanban board is essential for keeping teams in sync. Leading options in this space feature robust functionality specifically tailored to the methodology’s needs around visualizing workflows, capping work-in-progress, and boosting efficiency.

👉 For a more in-depth discussion on how to select the ideal online Kanban tool and detailed reviews of specific platforms, you can refer to our dedicated article: Online Kanban Boards: Guide, Examples, and Best Tools.

For your convenience below, we’ll briefly name and review the top contenders in the Kanban tool arena:

  1. Trello: Trello is one of the most user-friendly Kanban apps, known for its simple drag-and-drop interface. It allows users to create boards, lists, and cards to organize tasks and projects. Trello is versatile, supporting various integrations with other applications, making it suitable for individuals and teams looking to manage projects with a flexible and intuitive tool.
  2. Asana: Asana combines elements of project management with the simplicity of a Kanban board. It offers more than just visual task management; it includes features like task assignments, timelines, and automated workflows. Asana is ideal for teams that need a robust tool for detailed project planning and progress tracking.
  3. monday.com: monday.com features a highly customizable interface that supports multiple workflow types including Kanban. What sets monday.com apart is its ability to integrate with a multitude of other tools and its rich feature set that includes automation, reporting, and collaboration tools. It’s well-suited for teams needing a comprehensive project management solution.
  4. ClickUp: ClickUp is a newer entrant in the project management space but has quickly gained popularity due to its flexibility and rich feature set. It offers multiple views for tasks including a Kanban view, making it adaptable to various types of workflows and team preferences. Its capabilities extend beyond task management to include documents, reminders, goals, and even an email platform.
  5. Virto Kanban Board for SharePoint and Microsoft Teams: Unique in its integration capabilities, the Virto Kanban Board is designed specifically for users of SharePoint and Microsoft Teams. This tool enhances the functionality of Microsoft 365 by adding efficient Kanban features like task management, color-coding, and progress tracking directly within the familiar Microsoft ecosystem. This makes it an excellent choice for organizations that are deeply embedded in Microsoft products and are looking for a seamless integration to boost their project management capabilities.

Each of these apps offers unique strengths, making them popular among various teams and industries. Carefully assess which platform best matches your workflow complexities and user needs at both current and projected volumes. The ideal choice provides just the right fit to maximize your Kanban process as your pursuits unfold.

Managing multiple projects with Kanban: methodologies & strategies

In this section, we will explore how the Kanban methodology can be adeptly applied to the management of multiple projects simultaneously. We’ll cover different strategies that can optimize the use of Kanban tools for managing multiple projects, discussing their pros, cons, and best applications.

  1. Organizing multiple projects on one board

One common approach is to manage multiple projects on a single Kanban board. This method allows project managers and teams to see everything at a glance, promoting a better understanding of overall project landscapes and resource allocation. To effectively organize multiple projects on one board:

  • Categorization: Use color-coded cards or tags to differentiate tasks from different projects.
  • Clarity and simplicity: Ensure that the board remains uncluttered by limiting the number of tasks displayed and using filters to view specific projects as needed.

👉 Can you have multiple projects on one Kanban board? Yes, you can manage multiple projects on a single Kanban board by using such popular and effective methods as color coding, tags, or swimlanes to differentiate tasks and maintain clarity across projects.

  1. Multiple board techniques

Alternatively, using separate Kanban boards for each project can provide clearer control over individual project progress and task management. This approach is particularly beneficial in environments where projects are distinctly different in nature, scope, or resources. Key considerations include:

  • Focus and specialization: Each board can be tailored to the specific needs and workflows of a project.
  • Autonomy: Teams can manage their project-specific boards independently, which can improve efficiency and project ownership.

👉 What is the Kanban board for each project? A Kanban board for each project is a specialized visual representation of the workflow, tasks, and progress specific to that project, aiding teams in focusing and managing resources effectively. Each project is allocated its own board, as opposed to consolidating all projects on a single board.

  1. Creating a consolidated Kanban view for multiple projects

Creating a consolidated view involves combining tasks from multiple projects into one shared Kanban board. This strategy is useful for managers who need to oversee the progress of all projects simultaneously. To implement a consolidated Kanban view:

  • Integration tools: Use software solutions that allow integration of multiple project boards into a single view without losing the individual details of each project.
  • High-level overview: Design the board to provide a strategic overview, focusing on milestones and critical tasks across all projects.

👉 How many Kanban boards should I have? The number of Kanban boards you should have depends on your team’s ability to maintain focus and clarity; some teams prefer one board per project for simplicity, while others use a single board with sections for multiple projects.

  1. Using swimlanes when managing multiple projects

Swimlanes are highly effective in managing multiple projects on a Kanban board, as they allow for the segregation of tasks by project, team, or priority within the same board. For a detailed guide on using swimlanes in Kanban, refer to Kanban Swimlanes Mastering: A Comprehensive Guide. Key advantages include:

  • Enhanced organization: Each swimlane can represent a different project, making it clear which tasks belong to which project.
  • Customization: Swimlanes can be customized to reflect different stages or priorities within each project, accommodating unique project needs.
  1. Issues of control and analytics

Managing multiple projects with Kanban also involves challenges in control and analytics. Effective reporting and analytics are crucial for tracking performance and making informed decisions. Best practices include:

  • Aggregated reporting: Use tools that support aggregated data collection and reporting from multiple boards.
  • Real-time analytics: Implement dashboards that provide real-time insights into the status and progress of all projects.
  • Regular reviews: Schedule regular review meetings to discuss the Kanban boards and adjust strategies as needed based on the analytics and reports.

In short—Kanban’s visual orientation, work-in-progress limits, and process optimizations allow teams to pursue several initiatives simultaneously while preserving alignment. Teams first select their preferred framework—either consolidating all initiatives on a single board or dedicating one per project. They then determine the specifics that optimize their unique workflow, team and objectives. Maintaining transparency for members and company-wide goals is critical, as is tracking performance regularly to ensure alignment.

Real user stories and solutions on how to use Kanban board for multiple projects

To better understand the challenges of managing multiple projects, let’s examine some real-world examples. These user stories illustrate common difficulties faced by those juggling multiple initiatives, as well as potential solutions that have proven effective. Exploring practical use cases will hopefully shed light on strategies and tools for streamlining multi-project coordination.

For instance, in the Stack Exchange forum, a user named Sean Clark Hess described the challenge of managing multiple projects simultaneously, particularly in a startup environment where tasks and priorities frequently shift across different clients and platforms (web, iOS, and Android). Specific pain points included visually tracking shifting tasks and aligning sprint deliverables across disparate projects. 

In response, experienced users proposed various solutions, emphasizing the power of visual mapping and tailored software. Multiple tools were suggested, including Eylean Board, LeanKit Kanban, Jira with Greenhopper, and FogBugz with Stefan Rusek’s Kanban plugin. Each platform aims to facilitate differentiating projects, mapping interdependencies, and optimizing workflow through agile methods.

The takeaway is that flexible visualization and workflows enabled by the appropriate tools underpin effective orchestration of overlapping initiatives. 

In another thread on Reddit, users discussed experiences and solutions for maintaining efficiency when coordinating complex multi-project environments on a single Kanban board. The core issues identified included difficulty tracking distinct projects on a single board, lacking visibility into workloads, and balancing resource allocation across initiatives with varied priorities. The varying solutions were frankly quite illuminating and are worth providing in full:

  • Using tags and filters: A couple of users highlighted the importance of proper tagging. For instance, one user suggested using a single Kanban board with tags to differentiate between projects. Another recommendation was to use tags with quick links for filtering on Jira, allowing easy visualization of different projects on the same board.
  • Swim lanes: Other users proposed the use of swim lanes to separate different projects or priorities within the same board. This method maintains a unified view while categorizing tasks by project or priority.
  • Single board per team with Prefixes: One respondent advocated for a single board per team, using prefixes in story titles to clarify project components. This approach simplifies the overview process, making it easier to understand what each team member is working on.
  • Multiple boards with aggregation: A Redditor also discussed the possibility of having individual boards for each project and an aggregated board that combined them. This is beneficial for teams where project ownership is diverse and separate visualization is required.
  • Customization and flexibility in tools: Throughout the discussion, users often underlined the importance of project management software (like Jira vs. Trello) because it could significantly impact how effectively multiple projects were managed on a single board due to differences in features like board customization, tagging, and filtering.

The takeaway was that customized boards, strategic task labelling and flexible grouping empower teams to coordinate multiple projects seamlessly while retaining robust tracking and visibility. The solutions underscored adapting software and workflows to a team’s specific multi-project environment and needs.

What Are the Best Practices for Multiple Projects Kanban?: Tips & Tricks for Using Kanban Board for Multiple Projects

Drawing on real-world user insights above along with established best practices and our own expertise, we’ve compiled key recommendations for harnessing Kanban’s capabilities to master multi-project management:

  1. Standardize Kanban practices
  • Consistency is key: Develop a standardized system for all Kanban boards across projects. This includes consistent naming conventions, color coding, and card formats which help in reducing confusion and streamlining management.
  • Training and guidelines: Provide training for all team members on the standardized Kanban practices to ensure everyone is on the same page.
  1. Usw advanced labelling and tagging
  • Clear labels: Use clear and descriptive labels for tasks. This might include project names, task types, or priority levels.
  • Multi-tagging: Apply multiple tags to tasks when they relate to more than one project or impact multiple areas, helping in sorting and filtering tasks easily.
  1. Employ swimlanes effectively
  • Project-based swimlanes: Organize swimlanes by individual projects to separate tasks visually on the same board.
  • Role-based swimlanes: Consider using swimlanes dedicated to specific roles or departments involved in multiple projects for clearer role delineation.
  1. Integrate automated tools
  • Automation features: Use Kanban board tools that offer automation for repetitive tasks, such as moving tasks to different stages based on certain triggers or sending notifications for due tasks.
  • Integration capabilities: Ensure the Kanban tool integrates well with other project management and reporting tools used across projects.
  1. Regularly update and maintain boards
  • Daily stand-ups: Implement short daily stand-up meetings to update the Kanban board and ensure all team members are aware of the current state of each project.
  • Board clean-up: Regularly review and clean up the Kanban board to remove or archive completed or outdated tasks.
  1. Visual indicators for task prioritization
  • Priority indicators: Use visual signals such as icons, stars, or different-sized cards to indicate priority levels, making it easy to see what needs immediate attention.
  • Progress indicators: Employ progress bars or checklists on the Kanban cards to show task advancement at a glance.
  1. Facilitate cross-project visibility
  • Shared boards for oversight: Create an overview board that captures critical milestones from all projects. This helps in providing a high-level view of the project landscape.
  • Transparency: Ensure all team members have access to the Kanban boards they need to view or interact with, fostering an environment of transparency and collaboration.
  1. Analyze and adapt
  • Regular reviews: Conduct regular retrospectives to discuss what is working and what is not in your Kanban implementation across projects.
  • Continuous improvement: Use insights from analytics and team feedback to continually refine and improve your Kanban processes.
  1. Manage Work in Progress (WIP) limits
  • Set WIP limits: Implement WIP limits to prevent overloading team members and to ensure focus on task completion.
  • Monitor and adjust: Regularly monitor the effectiveness of WIP limits and adjust them based on the current project load and team capacity.
  1. Encourage team autonomy
  • Empower decision-making: Allow team members to manage their tasks within the Kanban framework, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility.
  • Flexible workflow: Enable teams to adjust the workflow or board layout to better suit the specific needs of their projects.

With these combined tips and tricks, Kanban’s flexibility truly comes alive to orchestrate multiple priorities simultaneously. With the right approach and a sleight of hand, Kanban can realise its full potential to accelerate workflows, calibrate task sequencing and drive successful project outcomes in harmony.

Using Virto Kanban Board for multiple projects & streamlined task management

This review would not be complete without giving special attention to our own in-house app, the Virto Kanban Board for Microsoft Teams and SharePoint. Here, we’ll reiterate its key benefits and give you links to resources to learn more about the app and its various capabilities. 

Key features and advantages of the Virto Kanban Board App:

  • Dynamic task organization: Structure tasks into columns that reflect various phases of your workflow. This allows for easy adjustments and updates to task status as project developments occur.
  • WIP limits: Set limits on the number of tasks in progress to avoid overburdening team members and to promote an even distribution of work.
  • Direct assignment: Allocate tasks to specific team members via the board, which increases accountability and clarifies who is responsible for each task.
  • Monitoring and reporting: Establish deadlines, utilize the board for real-time tracking of task completion, and produce detailed progress reports to keep all involved parties updated.
  • Board customization: Tailor Kanban boards to fit the specific requirements of different projects, teams, or types of tasks.
  • Task filtering: Implement filters to organize tasks by priority level, project association, or other relevant criteria.
  • Integration capabilities: Merge tasks from various origins to form a cohesive project management framework, facilitating a comprehensive view of all project activities.
Example Virto Kanban Board.

Example Virto Kanban Board.

The above (Pic. 1) is an example of a Kanban board in the Virto Kanban board app. This Kanban board is structured to track the progress of two projects simultaneously, with tasks moving from left to right as they progress through the workflow. Each task is color-coded to indicate which project it belongs to, allowing for easy identification and organization. The board is applied to manage the two projects by visually displaying the status of each task and who is responsible for it. Team members can quickly see which tasks need to be started, which are in progress, and which are waiting on input from someone else. This helps in prioritizing work, identifying bottlenecks, and ensuring that tasks are completed on time. As tasks are completed, they are moved to the “Completed” column, providing a clear overview of the team’s accomplishments.

Customize your workflow with Kanban Board

Step up your project management game today.

Virto Calendar App as multi-project management tool

Virto Calendar App is also a superb choice for multitasking across various projects that can workin tandem and in sync with the Virto Kanban Board app. Virto Calendar amalgamates and displays multiple calendar sources such as Exchange, Outlook, SharePoint, and Google Calendar and boasts a range of other features and benefits:

  • Unified calendar view: Merge calendars from different projects, teams, and individual employees into one comprehensive view, allowing simultaneous visibility of tasks, events, and appointments.
  • Resource management: Effortlessly track team workloads and spot scheduling conflicts early, ensuring efficient use of resources and avoiding time clashes.
  • Tailored calendar displays: Apply filters to sort events by project, department, or other specific criteria, crafting detailed calendars that consolidate all pertinent activities.
  • Enhanced communication: Utilize built-in commenting and messaging features within the calendar to improve communication and collaboration among project members.
  • Alerts and notifications: Configure reminders and notifications to keep team members informed about imminent deadlines.
  • Task management: Directly assign tasks from the calendar and monitor their progress to ensure timely completion.
  • Automation of recurring activities: Set up automatic recurring events and tasks to simplify routine project operations.
  • In-depth reporting: Generate precise reports to track project advancement and facilitate data-driven decision-making.
Example work week in the Virto Calendar App.

Example work week in the Virto Calendar App.

The image above (Pic. 2) shows an example week in the Virto Calendar App. Each day is divided into hourly slots, with different colored blocks indicating scheduled events or tasks. The calendar includes two projects, Project A and Project B, which are color-coded for easy identification. 

For a more in-depth overview of both apps, please refer to the following materials:

  1. Knowledge Base section on the Virto Kanban Board App
  2. Knowledge Base section on the Virto Calendar App
  3. Managing Multiple Projects (including with Virto Kanban Board & Virto Calendar)
  4. Kanbard Board Online Apps Review
  5. Kanban Swimlanes Guide


As we’ve explored in this guide, the complexity and dynamic nature of handling several projects can overwhelm traditional management tools and strategies. This underlines the critical need for robust, adaptable, and efficient tools specifically tailored for multiple project management. 

Kanban boards emerge as a particularly powerful solution in this context. Their visual nature and flexible structure make them ideal for tracking multiple projects at various stages of completion. By providing a clear overview of workflow and progress, Kanban boards help project managers to prioritize tasks, allocate resources effectively, and maintain a smooth flow of work across all projects.

For those looking for an efficient and reliable Kanban tool for their teams, the Virto Kanban Board App offers a sophisticated yet user-friendly interface designed to enhance productivity and oversight across multiple projects. It integrates seamlessly into your existing work environment, making it an indispensable tool for modern project managers. All you have to do is schedule a demo call today, and we’ll get it sorted. 

We invite you to explore more about Kanban and other project management strategies through our insightful articles.


 (1) Stats from RGPM via ExplodingTopics.

Marina Conquest
Marina Conquest

Marina Conquest is a seasoned copywriter with a passion for business development, ecommerce, and startup ecosystems. With over a decade of experience crafting compelling narratives for tech companies, Marina brings her entrepreneurial spirit and creative flair to every project.

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