Exploring Meeting Room Booking Systems and Software Tools: A Research Guide 

With endless reservation systems promising order amidst chaos, firms struggle to navigate the best options for their needs. Cut through the noise with this guide outlining the top tools for booking software.

Effective meeting room management remains a perennial struggle for many organizations. Without robust coordination technology, bookings easily spiral into disarray—double bookings, no-shows, and wasted space frequently plague companies both large and small. However, as discussed in our recent analysis, the right reservation system strategy can help take back control.

Thankfully, no shortage of purpose-built meeting room management software exists to streamline scheduling workflows. In fact, this market continues exponential growth in response to demand. Analysts project over 12% CAGR for booking systems over the next years, predicting a market size topping $170 million by 2028 (1). Although alternative solutions like calendar tools or collaboration platforms also enable reservations, dedicated software remains popular, especially among major enterprises.

This guide will unpack the array of available systems for wrangling meeting spaces. First, we’ll break down different reservation system types and highlight must-have features. Next, we’ll review both free and paid tools for scheduling rooms and equipment. For Microsoft-centric organizations, we’ll also showcase Outlook and Microsoft Teams integrations.

As a developer of scheduling and calendar productivity solutions for businesses leveraging Microsoft 365, VirtoSoftware offers a unique perspective on this space. For example, our Virto Calendar App allows companies to easily build custom room reservation systems using SharePoint, Outlook, and Microsoft Teams. This integration provides a seamless booking experience tailored to the needs of modern enterprises. So as we explore the array of available room reservation tools in this guide, know that our recommendations come from real-world insight helping customers optimize their scheduling workflows.

Meeting Room Reservation System: What It Is, How It Works, and Pros & Cons

Meeting room reservation platforms provide vital coordination for workspaces—but how exactly do these tools get the job done? This section lifts up the hood to uncover core system workings, functionality and key capabilities.

What is meeting room reservation system? 

A meeting room booking system is a specialized software solution designed to facilitate the reservation and management of meeting spaces within an organization. This system allows employees to view the availability of meeting rooms, book spaces, and manage bookings with ease, thereby streamlining the process and ensuring optimal use of resources.

How does the room scheduling software works?

The operation of a meeting room booking system typically involves several key components:

  1. Booking interface: Users access a user-friendly interface where they can view available meeting rooms based on criteria like date, time, capacity, and specific equipment needs. This interface is often web-based or integrated into internal company portals.
  2. Calendar management: The system includes a calendar view that displays the availability of meeting spaces. Users can quickly glance at open time slots and make bookings accordingly. Changes in booking status are updated in real-time, ensuring all users see the most current information.
  3. Access control: Depending on the system, users might be required to log in with their organizational credentials, ensuring that only authorized personnel can make bookings. This feature also helps in tracking who has booked which space.

👉 What is room scheduling software? Room scheduling software, also known as a meeting room reservation system, is a digital platform designed to help organizations effectively manage their meeting spaces and associated resources. We will use the terms “room scheduling software,” “meeting room reservation system,” “meeting room booking system” interchangeably throughout our discussion.

Key features of a meeting room booking system

Meeting room booking systems come equipped with a variety of features that enhance functionality and user experience:

  • Scheduling (calendar) booking: At the core of these systems is a dynamic scheduling calendar that allows users to book rooms directly from the calendar. This can often be viewed in daily, weekly, or monthly formats.
  • Integration with other calendars: To streamline the process further, many meeting room booking systems integrate with widely-used calendar systems such as Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, and Apple Calendar. This allows users to see their personal appointments alongside room availability, all in one place.
  • Notifications: Automated notifications are a crucial feature. The system sends reminders and booking confirmations to participants via email or through the application. This helps reduce no-shows and ensures rooms are used as intended.
  • Resource management: Beyond just booking meeting spaces, these systems can also manage the allocation of various resources associated with the spaces, such as projectors, whiteboards, and video conferencing equipment. Users can select these resources at the time of booking, ensuring everything they need is ready for their meeting.
  • Reporting: For facilities management and administrative purposes, reporting tools can track room usage statistics, peak usage times, and recurring bookings. This data is valuable for making informed decisions about space utilization and future resource allocation.

Advantages & disadvantages of using meeting room booking software

In this section, we’ll briefly highlight the breadth of problems that arise to impede productivity without robust booking solutions, along with the advantages (and, unfortunately, shortcomings) that purpose-built reservation platforms bring to the table.

Challenges of not using a meeting room booking system software 

Without a dedicated meeting room reservation system in place, organizations can encounter numerous operational inefficiencies and frustrations:

  • Double bookings: One of the most common issues is the occurrence of double bookings, where two groups claim the same meeting space for the same time slot. This leads to confusion and wasted time as parties scramble to find alternative arrangements.
  • Inefficient space use: Without a clear view of room schedules, organizations often underutilize meeting spaces. Some rooms may remain empty for extended periods, while others are consistently overbooked.
  • Time consumption: Manual management of meeting rooms is time-consuming. Employees spend valuable time checking room availability, which could be better spent on more productive tasks.
  • Lack of resource coordination: Coordinating necessary meeting resources (like projectors or conference phones) without a system can lead to last-minute scrambles, potentially delaying the start of meetings.

Advantages of using an advanced meeting room reservation system

the upsides of having a meeting room reservation system

Implementing a sophisticated meeting room reservation system brings several key advantages:

  • Increased efficiency: Automated systems streamline the booking process, drastically reducing the time employees spend managing reservations. This allows for more efficient use of both human and room resources.
  • Enhanced transparency: With a centralized booking system, employees can view real-time availability and make informed decisions about space usage, leading to better planning and reduced conflicts.
  • Resource management: Advanced systems allow for the booking of not just spaces but also associated resources, ensuring that all necessary equipment is available and prepared for each meeting.
  • Reporting and analytics: With built-in analytics, organizations can track room usage patterns, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to improve resource allocation and meeting planning.

👉 How do you manage meeting room bookings? Meeting room bookings are managed through a reservation system where users can view available rooms, select a desired time slot, and book the room. This can be done via a web-based interface, dedicated apps, or integrated solutions like Outlook or Google Calendar. Administrators can set permissions, manage resources, and monitor usage through these systems to ensure efficient use of meeting spaces. For a more detailed exploration of managing room bookings effectively, including deeper insights into the problems associated with manual systems and the comprehensive benefits of an advanced automated solution, please refer to our separate article.  

Major disadvantages of meeting room reservation systems

While meeting room reservation systems offer numerous advantages, there are also some potential disadvantages that organizations should be aware of when implementing these tools:

  • Initial cost and implementation: The upfront costs associated with acquiring and implementing room scheduling software can be significant, especially for advanced systems with extensive features. Additionally, the implementation process may require considerable time and resources to integrate the system seamlessly with existing IT infrastructure.
  • Training and adoption: Employees need to be trained on how to use the new system effectively. Resistance to change and a learning curve can lead to initial inefficiencies as staff adjust to the new system.
  • Dependence on technology: A high reliance on the booking system means that any technical issues or downtime can disrupt the entire booking process. This dependence can be problematic if the system experiences bugs, outages, or requires maintenance.
  • Over-complexity: Some systems may offer more features than necessary, leading to complexity that can confuse users rather than help them. An overly complex system can deter employees from using the tool effectively, negating its potential benefits.
  • Privacy and security concerns: As these systems handle potentially sensitive information about employee schedules and company resource utilization, there is a risk of privacy breaches or data security issues. Ensuring that the system is secure against unauthorized access is crucial but can also add to the complexity and cost.
  • Inflexibility: Some systems may not be flexible enough to accommodate specific needs or unusual booking scenarios. Organizations with unique requirements might find that standard systems do not fully address their needs without costly customizations.
  • Maintenance and updates: Ongoing maintenance and updates are necessary to keep the system running smoothly and securely. These can require additional time and financial investment and might cause disruptions during the update processes.

Organizations must weigh both upsides and downsides to select optimal booking systems. By balancing value versus limitations, companies can implement the right solutions to maximize efficiency while dodging pitfalls. Carefully matching robust features to current needs futureproofs investments for smoother growth.

Types of Meeting Room Booking Systems

Depending on the specific needs and scale of an organization, different types of booking systems offer unique capabilities suited for various purposes. Below, we explore the most common types of meeting room booking systems, each designed to enhance room management through distinct approaches like software, hardware, and hybrid solutions.

Software-based systems

Software-based solutions are popular due to their flexibility and range of features. They can be categorized into several types:

  • Local systems: These systems are installed directly on company servers and managed in-house. They offer full control over the system’s security and data, making them suitable for organizations that prioritize data privacy and have the capability to manage IT infrastructure.
  • Cloud systems: Operated and maintained by an external provider, cloud-based systems require minimal IT infrastructure from the user’s side. They offer scalability and ease of access from anywhere, which is ideal for companies with multiple locations or those needing to manage rooms remotely.
  • Hybrid systems: Combining elements of both local and cloud systems, hybrid systems offer flexibility in data storage and functionality. They are well-suited for organizations that want to maintain control over certain data on-premises while leveraging the cloud for scalability and accessibility.
  • Control panel-based systems: These systems integrate directly into physical control panels installed in meeting rooms. They allow users to book rooms on the spot and can integrate with both local and cloud databases for schedule management.
  • Calendar-based systems: These systems integrate directly with calendar software (like Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook), providing a seamless booking experience that aligns with users’ existing workflows. They are typically user-friendly and suitable for all company sizes.
  • Systems based on mobile applications: Mobile-based systems offer the utmost convenience in booking and managing rooms from anywhere, appealing particularly to companies with a mobile workforce or those that require frequent on-the-go arrangements.

Hardware-based systems

Hardware solutions involve physical installations like interactive kiosks or touch panels located near or inside meeting rooms. These systems are highly effective in preventing double bookings and provide real-time availability data. They are particularly useful in large buildings or campuses where finding and booking space efficiently is critical.

Hybrid systems

Hybrid systems integrate both software and hardware components to provide a comprehensive solution. For instance, a system might use a software application for advance bookings and a hardware touch panel for on-the-spot bookings and room status updates. This type is well-suited for large organizations that need robust, fail-safe systems to manage extensive meeting room facilities.

Here’s a summary table to help identify which system might be most suitable for different organizational needs:

System typeBest for companies that value…Ideal size
Local SystemsSecurity, data controlMedium to large
Cloud SystemsScalability, remote accessSmall to large
Hybrid SystemsFlexibility, data controlMedium to large
Control Panel BasedImmediate access, user simplicityMedium to large
Calendar-BasedIntegration, user familiarityAny size
Mobile ApplicationsMobility, convenienceAny size
Hardware SystemsReal-time management, accessibilityLarge
Combined SystemsComprehensive solution, reliabilityLarge
Fig. 1. Comparison table of different types of solutions.

How to Choose a Meeting Room Booking System

Selecting optimized meeting room software proves pivotal in maximizing workspace efficiency. But with myriad options boasting unique capabilities, selecting the ideal option can prove difficult. To guide your organization confidently through vendor promises, we’ll outline must-have features to look for. We’ll explore what functionality fuels productivity, efficiency and seamless coordination. We’ll also give you a checklist with questions to ask when selecting the best meeting room software for your needs. 

Factors to consider when choosing meeting room booking software

When selecting room scheduling software, consider the following key factors:

  • Scalability: The system should grow with your business. Consider not only your current needs but also what you might need in the future.
  • User experience: Look for software that is intuitive and easy to use to ensure high adoption rates among your employees.
  • Integration capabilities: The system should seamlessly integrate with your existing tools, such as calendars (Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook), email systems, and other enterprise software.
  • Cost: Evaluate the total cost of ownership, including upfront costs, ongoing fees, and costs related to updates or additional features.
  • Support and training: Adequate customer support and training are essential for smooth implementation and usage.
  • Security: Ensure the system has robust security measures in place to protect your data, especially if you are considering a cloud-based solution.

Essential functionality in meeting room booking software

Streamlining meeting coordination hinges on booking platforms with crucial must-have functionalities—while advanced capabilities provide next-level optimization. In this section, we spotlight baseline software features plus nice-to-haves for further flexibility.

Basic features of booking meeting room systems 

Basic features form the foundation of any meeting room booking system. These features ensure the system performs its primary function—scheduling and managing spaces—effectively and efficiently:

  • Real-time availability checks: The system should provide immediate visibility into room availability, helping prevent double bookings and scheduling conflicts.
  • Easy booking interface: An intuitive user interface allows users to book rooms quickly without requiring extensive training or technical knowledge.
  • Automated confirmations and reminders: After booking, the system should automatically send confirmations and reminders to attendees, reducing the chances of no-shows and miscommunications.
  • Cancellation and modification capabilities: Users should be able to easily modify or cancel their bookings through the system, which should update the availability in real-time.
  • Overview and reporting features: Administrators should have access to dashboards and reports that display room usage statistics, helping in the analysis and optimization of space utilization.

Advanced features of meeting room booking management systems 

Advanced features in room scheduling software cater to more specific needs and enhance the system’s utility by integrating additional functionalities:

  • Integration with hardware: Systems that integrate with digital signage or touch panels outside meeting rooms offer real-time status displays and on-the-spot booking capabilities, enhancing the functionality and user experience.
  • Mobile app functionality: A mobile application allows users to book, modify, or cancel reservations on the go, providing flexibility and improving the accessibility of the system.
  • Advanced analytics: Detailed analytics help in understanding usage patterns and can guide decisions on space management, future investments, and system improvements.
  • Support for external attendees: Features such as secure guest access and special booking privileges for external attendees make the system versatile, especially useful for organizations that frequently host visitors.
  • Customizable permissions and roles: The ability to set different user roles and permissions helps in managing who can book certain resources, ensuring that access to rooms and equipment is controlled and organized.

Here’s a summary of the above in a comprehensive, easy-to-reference table:

Basic featuresAdvanced features
Real-time availability checksEasy booking interfaceAutomated confirmation and remindersCancellation and modification capabilitiesOverview and reporting features for room utilizationIntegration with hardware (e.g., digital signage)Mobile app functionalityAdvanced analytics for tracking usage patterns and optimizing space usageSupport for external attendees, including secure guest accessCustomizable permissions and roles to control who can book resources
Fig. 2. Basic vs advanced features in booking meeting room systems.

Checklist for choosing meeting room booking systems

When evaluating potential meeting room booking system apps, consider these questions:

  1. Does the system meet our specific size and scalability requirements?
  2. Is the software compatible with our existing technology stack?
  3. What is the total cost, including hidden fees for installation, training, and support?
  4. How user-friendly is the software based on demos or trial use?
  5. What kind of customer support does the vendor offer?
  6. Are there sufficient security measures (data encryption, compliance) in place?
  7. Can the system handle special requirements like booking rules or multi-location functionality?
  8. What are the experiences of other similar-sized companies using this system?

Implementing and using a corporate meeting room booking system: best practices

When strategically rolled out and widely adopted, platforms transform coordination. But without guiding stakeholders, gaining buy-in, and cementing new behaviors, technology alone falls short of streamlining bookings. Hence, in this section, we’ll share some of the best practices to ensure  the system serves your organizational needs as it should.

  1. Plan and prepare thoroughly
  • Needs assessment: Conduct a thorough analysis of your organization’s needs and requirements. Identify the types of rooms, equipment, and resources that need to be managed and any specific challenges that the system must address.
  • Selection process: Choose a system that aligns with your organizational needs, considering factors like scalability, integration capabilities, and user-friendliness.
  1. Engage stakeholders early
  • Inclusion of stakeholders: Involve key stakeholders from the beginning, including IT staff, facility managers, and potential end-users. This inclusion ensures the system meets the diverse needs of all departments.
  • Feedback mechanism: Establish a feedback mechanism to gather input during and after the implementation, allowing for continuous improvement.
  1. Comprehensive training and support
  • Training programs: Develop comprehensive training programs to educate all users on how to use the new system effectively. Consider creating different training modules for regular users and administrators.
  • Support resources: Provide easy access to support resources, such as user manuals, FAQ sections, and a dedicated helpdesk. Ensuring users can get help when needed reduces frustration and increases system adoption.
  1. Pilot testing
  • Test phase: Implement the system in phases, starting with a pilot program in one department or floor. This approach allows you to identify any issues and make necessary adjustments before a full rollout.
  • Iterative feedback: Use feedback from the pilot test to refine processes and training materials, ensuring the system is as user-friendly and efficient as possible.
  1. Clear communication and policies
  • Policy development: Develop clear policies and guidelines regarding the use of meeting spaces and the booking system. Ensure these policies address booking procedures, cancellations, no-shows, and handling of equipment.
  • Communication strategy: Communicate any changes, updates, or policies related to the meeting room booking system clearly and promptly. Regular updates can help maintain awareness and compliance.
  1. Integration and automation
  • System integration: Integrate the meeting room booking system with other organizational tools such as calendars, email clients, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Integration helps streamline workflows and reduces the likelihood of errors.
  • Automation features: Utilize automation features like automatic reminders and notifications to reduce administrative workload and improve meeting attendance.
  1. Monitor and optimize
  • Continuous monitoring: Regularly monitor the system’s performance and user feedback to identify areas for improvement. Use analytics and reporting tools to track usage patterns and identify underutilized resources.
  • Regular updates: Keep the system up-to-date with regular updates and upgrades. Staying current with technology developments can enhance functionality and security.
  1. Foster a culture of utilization
  • Promote benefits: Actively promote the benefits of the new system to encourage its use. Highlight how it simplifies booking processes, reduces conflicts, and improves space utilization.
  • Recognition and rewards: Consider implementing recognition or rewards for departments or individuals who effectively use and champion the system.

The journey towards optimized bookings overflows with potential roadblocks. But armed with exhaustive guidance, a tactical checklist, and the above best practices, you’re all set to tackle potential challenges, implementing the system that’s about to transform your bookings forever. 

Review of Best Meeting Room Booking Systems 

The quest to streamline bookings confronts organizations with endless vendor options—each touting silver bullet solutions. To cut through the noise and empower smarter platform picks, the following reviews spotlight capabilities, integrations, benefits, and more. We’ll also highlight real user reviews and insider perspectives on strengths and limitations of the discussed solutions. Armed with honest appraisals from the front lines of implementation, you may better identify booking software that ticks every box on your must-have list.

👉Is there a meeting room booking system Google Calendar? Well, yes, Google Calendar itself can be used as a basic meeting room booking system, especially within organizations that are already using Google Workspace (formerly G Suite). Google Calendar includes features that allow users to add rooms to events, check room availability, and manage room bookings directly within the calendar interface. For more advanced meeting room booking needs, such as additional customization or integration with other systems (like HVAC or lighting control in rooms), third-party applications that work with Google Calendar can be used. Some popular third-party tools and integrations include Robin and AskCody, both described below. More than that—all the apps covered below support Google Calendar integration and can be used to enhance basic Google Workspace capabilities.  

Microsoft Bookings: Meeting room booking system free with select Microsoft 365 plans

Microsoft Bookings.

Pic. 1. Microsoft Bookings.

Microsoft Bookings is a scheduling tool included in select Microsoft 365 plans, designed to simplify the management of appointments and schedules for businesses and educational institutions. 

Here are the key features and functionalities of Microsoft Bookings:

  • Customizable appointments: Microsoft Bookings allows users to customize appointment details, booking requirements, and service provider options to fit specific business needs.
  • Essential functionality: Includes automated scheduling options, reminders, and customizable booking pages.
  • Free version: Available as part of the Microsoft 365 Business Standard package.
  • Platform: Cloud-based
  • Integration: Deep integration with Microsoft 365 as well as other calendars like Google Calendar. 
  • Compatibility: Works on Windows and macOS. Mobile versions available for iOS and Android.
  • Security: Part of Microsoft 365, it offers high security and compliance standards.
  • Ideal for: Small to large businesses looking for seamless integration with other Microsoft products.

Tony Mariotti, Chief Executive Officer at RubyHome, provided transparent feedback on Microsoft Bookings. He praised the platform’s efficiency in managing reservations and syncing schedules firm-wide. However, Mariotti noted that extensive Microsoft stack integration poses challenges for diverse technology environments. He also mentioned that scaling might lead to IT infrastructure conflicts, especially surrounding non-Microsoft product pairing. Mariotti cautioned that deep ecosystem ties may inhibit adoption for organizations relying on varied software vendors. “From my personal experience, Microsoft Bookings has streamlined how we manage space and time,” Mariotti said. “However, I always advise a thorough evaluation against their specific business needs and existing software environment.”

Outlook Room Finder: Meeting room booking system Outlook 

‘Room Finder’ or simply ‘Rooms’ in Outlook.

Pic. 2 ‘Room Finder’ or simply ‘Rooms’ in Outlook.

The Outlook meeting room booking system, aka Room Finder, is a feature designed to help users efficiently locate and book available meeting rooms or workspaces within their organization. It integrates directly into the Outlook calendar, making it easier to manage meeting locations in conjunction with scheduling the meeting itself. The integration with Scheduling Assistant allows users to see the availability of rooms at the same time as they are viewing attendee availability. This helps in finding a time slot that works for all participants and an available room simultaneously.

👉 How to book a meeting room in Outlook 365? To book a meeting room in Outlook 365, create a new meeting request in the Calendar. Click on “Add Room” to select from available rooms, then add your meeting details and attendees. Send the invitation, and the room will be booked if available, with all participants receiving the meeting details and room reservation.

Here are the key features and functionalities of the Room Finder in Outlook:

  • Functionality: Simplifies the process of finding and booking meeting rooms within Outlook. Shows real-time availability of rooms, directly pulling data from Exchange Online.
  • Free version: Included with Outlook, part of Microsoft 365 subscriptions.
  • Platform: Integrated within Microsoft Outlook.
  • Integration: Deep integration with Microsoft 365.
  • Compatibility: Available on Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. 
  • Security: High-level security as part of the Microsoft ecosystem.
  • Ideal for: Organizations heavily using Microsoft products and looking for an in-built solution.

“Outlook Room Finder’s value comes from its simplicity and tight integration with technologies we already use on a daily basis,” said Tim Elliott, President and COO of Mr. Moxey’s, reflecting on the software’s use at his company. “We created a bespoke overlay for Outlook that includes our internal branding and visual cues, making the product more intuitive and engaging for our team. This modification promotes a sense of familiarity and ease among workers, increasing their use.” However, Elliott also offered a caveat that while Outlook Room Finder allows for customization to match internal workflows, large enterprises may outgrow basic functionalities. “The disadvantage is that it lacks flexibility for higher-level booking requirements, such as processing simultaneous bookings across various zones, which may restrict its usefulness in larger-scale operations,” Elliott concluded. 

👉 You may want to learn how to create a meeting room booking system in Outlook, check out our previous guide that covered this topic: Mastering Meeting Room Setup: Tips for Success

Robin: Meeting room online booking system 


Pic. 3. Robin.

Robin Powered is a comprehensive workplace management platform designed to help organizations efficiently manage their office spaces and resources in a data-driven manner. It caters to a variety of industries including commercial real estate, creative agencies, financial services, higher education, and legal services. 

One of Robin’s standout features is desk booking, which is particularly useful for hybrid work environments where employees do not have fixed desks. This feature helps eliminate confusion and ensures employees have a space when they come into the office. The platform also includes wayfinding tools to help employees and visitors navigate the office—again indispensable for hybrid environments in larger organizations.

Here’s a detailed look at the other features and functionalities of Robin:

  • Functionality: The platform offers robust room scheduling capabilities that allow users to reserve meeting rooms. 
  • Workplace analytics: Robin provides analytics on office and resource utilization, allowing organizations to make data-driven decisions about their workplace. This includes insights on how spaces are being used, which can inform future office layouts and resource allocation.
  • Visitor management: This feature streamlines the process of welcoming and managing visitors, ensuring a smooth experience for both guests and staff. It simplifies check-ins and enhances security by keeping track of who is entering and leaving the space.
  • Free version: No, but offers a demo.
  • Platform: Cloud-based.
  • Integration: Supports Google Calendar and Outlook integration.
  • Compatibility: Has a mobile app for both iOS and Android.
  • Security: Offers robust security features, including compliance with major standards.
  • Ideal for: Medium to large enterprises needing detailed analytics and robust room management.

We talked to Shawn Plummer, CEO of The Annuity Expert, the firm that leverages Robin Software. His firm utilizes Robin for meeting and workspace management. During the discussion, Plummer spotlighted Robin’s robust analytics capabilities as a major upside, noting how data-driven insights uncover booking trends and space usage patterns otherwise hidden in plain sight. “This can lead to innovative business strategies and improved decision-making processes,” he commented. However, Plummer cautioned the risks of misinterpreting complex data sets without governance guardrails. “Ensuring data integrity and using robust analytical methods are crucial,” he advised. In closing, Plummer also stressed the importance of stakeholder inclusion, transparency and training when rolling out scheduling software. “I recommend starting with a pilot program to gather user feedback and adjust accordingly before full implementation,” Plummer concluded.

Skedda: Online meeting room booking system 


Pic. 4. Skedda.

Skedda is an online platform designed to simplify the process of booking and managing spaces for various use cases, such as office scheduling, meeting rooms, coworking spaces, universities, sports venues, and more. It is particularly well-suited for managing hybrid office spaces, allowing users to book desks and rooms easily, and ensuring efficient utilization of spaces. 

Here’s a detailed breakdown of Skedda’s features and capabilities:

  • Functionality: Streamlines the process of reserving spaces within an office or facility, enhancing the management of physical resources. Allows administrators to set specific booking rules, access controls, and roles, enabling a tailored booking experience that fits organizational policies. Also, facilitates the processing of payments for bookings, useful for spaces that charge for reservations.
  • Automations: Automates repetitive tasks like booking confirmations, reminders, and space allocations, reducing administrative workload.
  • Usage insights: Provides analytics and reports on the usage of spaces, helping organizations optimize their space utilization and improve planning.
  • Free version: Yes, for small organizations and limited features.
  • Platform: Cloud-based.
  • Integration: Integration with Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace.
  • Compatibility: Windows, macOS, iOS, Android. 
  • Functionality: Customizable booking conditions, online payments, and user management.
  • Security: Features include SSL security and data encryption.
  • Ideal for: Small to medium-sized businesses or venues managing spaces.

Our work in booking and scheduling makes us well-acquainted with software like Skedda and the analytical power of statistics,” said Sam Browne, the founder of Findaband. He highlighted Skedda’s versatility—catering to both emerging businesses and large enterprises alike by unifying robust customization with enterprise-grade scalability. Browne also underscored built-in analytics for optimizing workflows. “These insights can help in understanding peak usage times and adjusting your resources accordingly. Integrating these analytics with your business intelligence systems can further enhance decision-making processes,” Browne explained. He noted that while analytics promise incredible organizational gains, specialized skills are required for proper analysis as complexity increases. In closing, Browne pointed to Skedda’s analytics and customization capabilities as key factors elevating his firm’s resource planning and event execution. 

AskCody: Meeting room booking system integrated with Outlook 


Pic. 5. AskCody.

AskCody is an advanced meeting room booking system that is fully integrated with Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft 365. It is designed to streamline the process of managing meetings, visitor management, and workplace services directly from the familiar Outlook interface. Here are some key features and benefits of AskCody:

  • Functionality: Comprehensive book meeting management where users can search for meeting rooms, guest offices, and hot desks across multiple locations and time zones, setting criteria such as equipment needs (e.g., whiteboards, airtame). Users can also book catering, equipment, and other services directly from the Outlook add-in. 
  • Automatic notifications: The system automatically recognizes external guests, notifies the reception of their arrival, and sends fully customizable emails and SMS to visitors with all necessary details like meeting reminders, directions, parking information, and Wi-Fi codes.
  • Free version: No, but a trial is available.
  • Platform: Cloud-based.
  • Integration: AskCody is seamlessly integrated with Microsoft Outlook, allowing users to utilize their existing Microsoft calendar system and Exchange backbone for all booking and scheduling needs.
  • Compatibility: Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android
  • Security: Built on Microsoft Azure, ensuring robust security and up-to-date technology. Compliant with GDPR and other major security standards.
  • Ideal for: Enterprises looking for a comprehensive workspace management solution.

Roman Zrazhevskiy, founder and CEO of MIRA Safety, generously shared first-hand recommendations for maximizing AskCody based on internal adoption. Firstly, he advised to maximize AskCody by leveraging its mobile accessibility: “Encourage employees to use the mobile app for booking and managing meeting spaces on the go, which can enhance flexibility and efficiency in dynamic work environments. This can also reduce delays in scheduling and free up resources quickly.” Zrazhevskiy also encouraged activating AskCody’s visitor management features to improve the guest experience: “Integrating this aspect can help streamline the check-in process, providing seamless integration for guests and reducing the workload on front desk staff.” Additionally, he stressed assessing integration requirements and vendor support models during platform evaluation. Zrazhevskiy explained that extensively evaluating AskCody’s capabilities allowed his organization to validate proper alignment with existing systems and workflows prior to rollout.

👉 What is a meeting room booking system tablet? A meeting room booking system tablet refers to a hardware device, often a tablet, that is mounted outside a meeting room or conference space to display the room’s availability and allow on-the-spot bookings. These tablets are typically connected to a central meeting room booking system and show real-time information about the room’s status. Examples of such booking system tablets include Joan, Evoko, Roomzilla, Crestron, and MeetingRoomApp.

Appointy: Web based meeting room booking system 


Pic. 6. Appointy. 

Appointy is an online appointment scheduling software designed to streamline the process of managing bookings and appointments for various types of businesses and professionals. It offers a comprehensive suite of features that cater to a wide range of industries, including health and wellness, education, medicine, fitness and recreation, salon and beauty, professional services, and government offices, among others. 

Here’s a detailed analysis of Appointy and its key features:

  • Functionality: Appointy allows clients to schedule appointments online without the need for back-and-forth communication via email or phone. This feature is accessible through multiple platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Google, and business websites.
  • Payment integration: The software supports integration with payment gateways such as Stripe, PayPal, and Authorize.NET, enabling businesses to accept payments at the time of booking.
  • Additional tools: Appointy provides tools for customer retention and management and a host of other marketing tools. 
  • Free version: Yes, with basic features.
  • Platform: Cloud-based.
  • Integration: Integrates with Google Calendar and Outlook.
  • Compatibility: Mobile apps available for iOS and Android.
  • Security: Features SSL encryption and is GDPR compliant.
  • Ideal for: Businesses of all sizes, particularly those in service industries.

Sergey Taver, Marketing Manager at Precision Watches, shared his insights on using Appointy meeting room scheduling software. “A protocol I recommend is integrating Appointy with your existing calendar systems to ensure all appointments sync seamlessly across platforms. This integration can significantly enhance productivity by avoiding double bookings and scheduling conflicts,” Taver explained. Taver also noted that understanding integration requirements and having clear provider SLAs in place delivers assurance as needs evolve.

Condeco: Cloud based meeting room booking system 


Pic. 7. Condeco. 

Condeco is a provider of workspace management and scheduling solutions, designed to facilitate flexible and hybrid work environments. Their software primarily focuses on meeting and conference room scheduling, desk booking, and other workplace management tools. 

Below are the key features and offerings of Condeco:

  • Functionality: The software includes capabilities for managing both meeting spaces and personal spaces, ensuring efficient use of office resources. 
  • Workplace analytics: Condeco provides analytics tools to help organizations understand workspace usage and employee collaboration patterns, supporting strategic decisions about office space and resource allocation.
  • Free version: No, but provides a demo.
  • Platform: Cloud-based.
  • Integration:  Robust integration capabilities, particularly with Microsoft 365, allowing for seamless scheduling within applications like Microsoft Teams and Outlook. Integrates with Google Calendar as well. 
  • Compatibility: Offers mobile applications for both iOS and Android.
  • Security: Enterprise-grade security features.
  • Ideal for: Large corporations needing comprehensive workspace management.

Drawing from firsthand experience, Bert Hofhuis, founder at Every Investor, offered tactical advice on Condeco implementation. “To make the most of Condeco software in managing meeting room bookings, ensure you set clear usage policies that are integrated into the booking system,” he mentioned. “This helps in maintaining order and maximizing room utilization. Encourage staff to use advanced booking features to reduce last-minute scrambles. Regular training sessions on the software can also increase adoption rates and efficiency.” Hofhuis also emphasized that beyond initial rollout, sustained success with solutions like Condeco requires continued inclusion of end user perspectives paired with proactive platform optimization. “Regularly updating the system configurations to match your current operational requirements ensures that the tool remains effective,” he concluded.

Virto Calendar App: Meeting room booking system Office 365 free

Virto Calendar App—meeting room booking system Office 365 (now, Microsoft 365). 

Pic. 8. Virto Calendar App—meeting room booking system Office 365 (now, Microsoft 365). 

Virto Calendar is a versatile calendar management tool designed to integrate multiple calendar sources and provide a unified view of all events and schedules. It is specifically tailored for use within Microsoft SharePoint Online and Microsoft Teams environments, enhancing productivity and collaboration among teams. The app also offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to streamline room and resource reservation within organizations.

Virto Calendar example monthly view.

Pic. 9. Virto Calendar example monthly view.

Here are the key features and functionalities of Virto Calendar App:

  • Functionality: Virto Calendar allows for direct integration into the organization’s existing calendar systems (Microsoft 365, SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, Exchange Server), ensuring that room bookings and resource reservations are visible in real-time across all departments. Virto Calendar also supports extensive customization and color-coding, allowing for visual differentiation between various types of events and calendars.
  • 360° visibility & versatile resource management: The app provides a complete overview of all resources and their current status, which helps in preventing booking overlaps and conflicts. Beyond just meeting rooms, Virto Calendar facilitates the booking of a variety of resources. This includes office technology, specialized machinery, and even workstations, which are all managed through a unified system that tracks availability and usage.
  • Free version: Yes, for smaller organizations.
  • Platform: Primarily for SharePoint and Microsoft 365 users.
  • Integration: Deep integration with Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft 365.
  • Compatibility: Works within SharePoint online environment.
  • Security: Inherits security from the SharePoint and Microsoft 365 environments.
  • Ideal for: Organizations within Microsoft ecosystems for an integrated calendar solution.

Master resource booking with Virto Calendar

Try Virto Calendar to gather all the data in one place.

Lastly, here’s a comparative table that outlines the key features and offerings of the best meeting room booking software solutions mentioned in the review:

Feature / SoftwareMicrosoft BookingsOutlook Room FinderRobinSkeddaAskCodyAppointyCondecoVirto Calendar App
Free versionNo (Part of M365)Included in OutlookNo (Demo)YesNo (Trial)YesNo (Demo)Yes
PlatformCloud-basedIntegrated in OutlookCloud-basedCloud-basedCloud-basedCloud-basedCloud-basedSharePoint/365
Google calendar integrationYesNoYesYesYesYesYesYes
Outlook integrationYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
FunctionalityScheduling, customizable booking PageFinds available rooms in OutlookRoom displays, analyticsBooking conditions, paymentsVisitor management, resource schedulingBooking, location management, analyticsDesk booking, digital signageEvent color coding, multiple calendars
SecurityHigh (Microsoft 365 standards)High (Microsoft standards)RobustSSL, encryptionGDPR, high security standardsSSL, GDPR compliantEnterprise-gradeInherits SharePoint security
Ideal ForSmall to large businessesOrganizations using Microsoft heavilyMedium to large enterprisesSmall to medium businessesEnterprisesBusinesses of all sizesLarge corporationsOrganizations using SharePoint
Fig. 3. Comparison of booking software solutions. 

Implementing booking software is no plug-and-play process. Beyond basic scheduling, solutions must centralize data, drive usage firm-wide, and flex with changing needs over time. But with so many options, determining must-haves around security, integrations, analytics and beyond gets overwhelming. That’s why we recommend putting organizational priorities under a microscope first. Determine must-haves and nice-to-haves and nail down use cases before evaluating convenience. So rather than sort through endless features, start by clarifying business goals. Keeping end users and workflows central from the outset ensures booking success.

👉 What are meeting room booking system open source? Open source meeting room booking systems are a popular choice for organizations looking to customize their tools without the burden of high licensing fees. Here are some notable examples of free meeting room booking systems that are also open source: Booked Scheduler, MRBS on GitHub, Easy!Appointments, Indico, Roomify, and YAROOMS. When choosing an open source solution, consider the support community, the frequency of updates, and how well the system can be integrated into your existing tech environment. These factors are crucial to ensuring that the software remains useful and secure over time.

Conclusion: Choosing the ultimate office meeting room booking system 

When juggling meetings spanning departments, timezones, and external stakeholders, coordinating spaces and attendees becomes a major pain point. But as this guide spotlights, purpose-built reservation systems centralize booking data for unified visibility firm-wide.

By consolidating real-time room availability and organizational calendars onto singular platforms, teams seamlessly reserve resources. Suddenly staff book spaces and equipment in sync with confirming attendees, with no more double booking rooms or accidentally overlapping critical meetings.

We strongly encourage our readers to explore the possibilities that the reviewed meeting room reservation software offers. This technology is pivotal for businesses looking to refine their operational frameworks and boost efficiency across the board.

Moreover, we invite you to explore the Virto Calendar App, which takes resource booking to the next level with its integration capabilities with SharePoint Lists and Exchange Server. This integration allows for direct access and centralized management of all reservations, making it an indispensable tool for any organization focused on precision and efficiency.

For those interested in seeing these benefits in action, we highly recommend signing up for a demo call to set up an event calendar tailored to your needs. This hands-on experience is invaluable in understanding how such tools can transform your company’s meeting management.

Stuck with Virto setup?

Our support team is ready to guide you!

To further enhance your knowledge and skills in calendar and event management, we offer a plethora of resources that can guide you through various aspects of calendar utilization and event planning:


(1) Stats from StratViewResearch.

Marina Conquest
Marina Conquest

Marina Conquest is a seasoned copywriter with a passion for business development, ecommerce, and startup ecosystems. With over a decade of experience crafting compelling narratives for tech companies, Marina brings her entrepreneurial spirit and creative flair to every project.

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